Creative Design Ideas For Calendar
The idea was to create as unique a calendar so that the process of its presenting would become an outstanding event. Alongside with this, it was important to expose theidea of "energy", as it is predetermined by the name and logo of the company. Each page is a month and it looks like a comb made of matches that correspond to the days. The matches are real and the construction of the calendar is absolutely safe.
This is amazing! I'm in love with the buttons and beautiful fabrics.
i love this! calendar pillows are such a cute idea and the colors are fab!
Eternal, easy customized magnetic calendar. With, even, 32nd day of month just in case. Month's names abbreviated to 3 letters. Chips can be placed one over another. Special appeal of this calendar is special chips, like "Deadline", "Arrival", "Departure", five "Drink Day" and one "Don't Drink Day".
Very unique way of doing the calander
the descriptive type in the first image is a great idea...
The calendar is fully functional, with days of the week and all major U.S. holidays marked and weekends bolded for easy reference. The calendars make a big statement at 48" tall x 18" wide.
This is a calendar where you can write your daily "status".
Overlay calendar information on the tickler file by ordering the tabs by weekday so that (at a glance) you can tell which folder is for this Saturday, or next Monday.
Fun little project: made a calendar that displays the daily hours of sunshine 30 years ago, projected onto the year 2008. Screenprint, 100�70cm.
I'm trying to figure out how to combine an art calendar with my journal.
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